Hyper Luck

Chapter 92: Remaining Time

Chapter 92: Remaining Time

My head was heavy as if I was carrying a lump of iron on top of it. Getting my head stuck inside a pillow was not as easy as I thought.

I could feel the fishy taste of alcohol from the back of my tongue with every breath I took.

In a state where only my consciousness was clear, I thought about what happened during the meetup yesterday.

I met up with my friends after a very long time, catching up with what was going on with each other.

Although I expected the reunion with my friends would end up much more extreme, it ended with just having conversations.

I couldnt even logically explain what I was saying after a few drinks went into my system.

It was funny to think that the statements I couldnt even explain logically were accepted and sympathized with by the people who were listening to me, who were also as drunk as me. However, that seemed to be the proof that what I tried saying was properly delivered to them.


A painful groan escaped from my mouth.

I lifted my heavy head and got up from my seat and opened the small refrigerator door.

I immediately poured the cold water into my mouth, but I could feel the subtle taste of alcohol at the end, almost spitting it right back out.

For Mose to get this drunk, he would have had to drink several bottles of much stronger alcohol.

And he would still wake up the next morning as if nothing happened.

Thinking about that reminded me of the time when Khea was complaining about her hangover.

After taking a light shower, I laid myself on the connector.

It had been 3 days, which means 9 days in Circuit time.

I was curious about how she was doing. Curious to know if she was safe.

Feeling almost suffocated from all the concerns, I carefully closed my eyes and whispered to myself softly.


I could start hearing the machine start up.

At that moment, my heart started racing like crazy.

I tightly closed my eyes, but

[You cannot connect.]

The resolute female voice from the machine broke all my hopes and dreams.

The penalty for death in was much harsher than I thought.

It was only 7 days in the real world, but it was 21 days in Circuit, which was enough time for many things to change in the game.

When I connect to Circuit 4 days later, I will probably have to experience the 21 days' worth of massive changes that happened while I wasnt there.

However, the biggest problem was Khea.

The time she had to wait for me was too long. It had already been 9 days, I wondered what she has been doing by herself?

Thinking about many concerns coming to my mind while lying on top of the connector, I picked up my phone beside me to check for any new messages.

The unfinished conversation between the friends I met yesterday continued. As I was looking through their conversations, I saw unexpected words coming and going.

[Yo. Huge accident in Circuit right now.]

[Check out Circuit TV right now.]

[That shits messed up...]

As soon as I checked the conversation, I opened my laptop and turned on the Circuit TV channel.

And at that moment,

Like a scene from a sci-fi movie, a portal waving enormously in the sky filled the entire screen.

[As you can see right here, as soon as the flash at the White Tower stopped, portals appeared in various places in the sky. And at the same time, a quest was given out to almost all players in the world. The details of the quest have not been printed out yet, but considering that the type of quest is a Super Clash Quest, it seems that a large-scale event quest such as the troll player patch has occurred.]

In Lundebarun, almost all the surrounding buildings were burned down with the white tower as the starting point.

The Whtie Tower, which was spitting out flashes, displayed its outer wall that was as clean and white as the first snow of the winter as if nothing happened.

A moment later, the screen changed once more and started to show the dock of Lundebarun.

Realizing that, I put my face close to the screen as if I was jumping into the screen to inspect the pier.

Its not there!

The Sky Lord was not anchored on the pier.

That must mean that Khea had managed to safely escape the place with Sky Lord. A sigh of relief escaped from my mouth.

She was safe.

At least, it was clear that she mustve gotten out of Lundebarun riding the Sky Lord.

[Ah, another portal had appeared in the sovereign airspace of Lundebarun. This makes 22 portals that appeared in the sovereign airspace of Lundebarun. For now, there hadnt been any movements detected from the portals.]

The correspondent, clad in heavy steel armor, began to talk busily into the crystal ball.

The trending search terms I checked on my phone were also full of things about this anomaly.

Clearly, an incredibly large-scale event quest will soon activate.

And the players will be waiting for the activation with half fear, and the other half curiosity.

However, the moment I confirmed Kheas safety with visual evidence, all the tension from my mind disappeared.

And with the tiredness that came to find me after that, I naturally fell asleep.

In the end, I fell asleep again.



Hosfoy... Do you have any clue what you have done!

Kellion, clad in a robe with the color of clear blue sky, with the bags of the eyes drenched in the darkness of the night sky, shouted at Hosfoy.

However, Hosfoy collapsed to the floor with his disheveled hair.

I-I thought... if... I used an immortal as the medium... I would get a successful result...

You have opened up another dimension owned by someone!

Kellions body, which had clearly gotten smaller, started to show burn marks that had never been seen before clearly on his neck.

Those burn marks started to take the form of unusual letters.

N... No! We have opened up the right Dimension... It has to be! Look! Its only opened up the door to the dimension, right? Nothings coming out of it! Ive finally made an inventory like the ones that you immortals have!

That is not an empty dimension where you can store your belongings!

Sh... Shut your mouth! I have succeeded! And nothing else!

Hosfoy stood up from his seat and started to laugh maniacally.

Kellion pointed his thin staff toward him.

Atra, Cage, Ronno!

At the end of the resonant voice, Hosfoy was hit directly by the white wind blowing from the staff and flew away.

Jarrenveil, and Hargan, the henchmen of Hosfoy, started running away without even looking back once.

Kellion hurriedly pulled out a vial of viscous blue liquid from his inventory.

Then he began to draw a pattern on the upper part of his stomach with his index finger.

The blue flash from his fingertips immediately took the shape of a certain round magic circle.

A moment later,

The rock-hard intestines of the stones of the Black Mountain...

As Kellion finished his words barely managing to squeeze them out of his mouth, his stomach suddenly began to expand like crazy.

[Pit Alark]

Class: Potion

Rank: Rare

Effect: Restores 80% of the natural mana.

History: Combined with the ghoul's spine, the tip of the witch's hair, and even the essence of a spirit, every form of death caused by mana phenomenons, if anyone was to drink this potion, they are sure to possess an incredible amount of mana!

The problem is... Anyone who drinks this potion will turn into one of those things mentioned above...

- Lunatic Necromancer Karu -

After contemplating for a moment, he started drinking the liquid. After the first swallow, an azure flame started to appear in both his eyes.

After the second swallow, the patterns that had been placed on his body like burns began to glow in blue light.

And after the third swallow, an exploding sound like a cannon launched from his stomach.

After throwing the empty bottle on the floor, Kellion collapsed to the floor with his face contorted.


With the remains of the blue liquid around his mouth, he confirmed his stomach had returned to its normal state. A moment later, he stood up from his seat.

[80% of the mana was restored.]

Kellion had drunk the Pit Alark, which was considered the Elixir of Death among the other wizards.


He activated a spell just by saying a single word out loud.

Soon, a white mist began to rise around him forming a smooth sphere.

The sphere covered the magic tool, Daclamaths Kaleidoscope.

After confirming that, Kellion turned straight to Sharan and headed toward her in a blink.


Then he put his staff on her temple and shouted a spell out loud. A moment later, Sharans eyes opened up.

Cough...! Huff!

In an instant, Sharan raised her upper body from the floor, letting out heavy breaths. She couldnt hide the bewildered expression on her face as she took a look around.

Huff... What... Happened!?

Its all my fault! We have to get out of here first!

Without being able to grasp a clue, Sharan was led by Kellions hand as she limped after him.

However, because of the intense trembling from the ground, both of them collapsed to the floor.

Damn it, already...


As the trembling calmed down a bit,


With the sound coming deep from the underground, the tower started shaking again.

Kellion and Sharan were rolling all around the floor without being able to stand up.

And a huge deafening sound of a sound wave hit both of them.

Kellion and Sharan reflexively covered their ears.

Only after such a huge sound wave had passed, Kellion and Sharan were able to notice that a notification window had appeared in front of their eyes.

The contents of the notification window were changing every second.

Super Clash Quest

Cerulean Being

[0 / 12,525 ]


[0 / 56,725 ]


[0 / 311,875 ]


[0 / 1,270,988 ]


[0/ 1,500,000]

* * *

[It seems that there was a huge earthquake just now...]

The man, who had been speaking urgently to the crystal ball while spilling cold sweat, said as he struggled to get up from the floor.

The cameras focus was having a very hard time staying on the man, and thanks to that, the viewers could see how urgent the situation was right now.

[Are you okay? How is the current situation there?]

When the circuit TV anchor asked with a serious expression, the correspondent cleared his throat at the focused camera.

And he was about to speak into the crystal ball on his wrist.

The focus on the camera plummeted to the floor again.

The surroundings began to vibrate like a haze.

Soon a violent roar, accompanied by a tremendous light, swept through the studio.

In an instant, the anchor covered both ears and began to complain in pain.

After a while, both light and noise disappeared in one single moment.

It was then that the screams and voices of people in panic began to be heard at the scene.

The camera's focus swung violently once again, and then it came down to the correspondent who took the center, spilling blood from one ear.

[Are you okay? It seems that the situation on-site has become very dire?]

The correspondent, seemingly a little out of his mind, began to carry on with his trembling lips cautiously.

[A... As you can see...]

The camera began to show the scenery in the sky, leaving the correspondent unable to speak.

A huge pillar of light was pouring down from the portal, which was still floating in the sky.

The intimidation of the pillars of light was a mysterious phenomenon itself, something one would see in the galaxy.

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