Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

After running to the point where green weeds could be seen and the footsteps of the Stone Golem could no longer be heard.

“Haa…… haa……. I’m glad that I have unlimited stamina.”

If he didn’t, he would have died. No, as the golem’s agility was low

Leeha would have caught it even if it was slow.

Leeha stopped and looked at the foot of the Rock Mountain again.

The rocky area, which was lined with pebbles and stones, was terrifying, unlike anything he had ever seen before.

‘The first attempt was a failure. Okay. Great.’

Two skills were on cooldown and one humiliation, but it wasn’t without result.

‘It would be impossible to hunt with the normal method. The golem’s energy core is in its solar plexus, however, there was a possibility of getting restored while reloading.’

Once the energy source is revealed, one should attack it with a force that was enough to destroy it.

Anyway, Leeha’s greatest hurdle right now was its ability to restore.

‘I will have a hard time exposing its energy source. Destroying the exposed energy source would also be a problem.’

Leeha thought about using Bayonet Charge, but he was not confident.

He remembered the sound of rocks that weighed at least a few tons cutting through the air and his body trembled.

Then, Leeha opened the quest window and looked at the quest that Browless gave him.

[Accuracy Improvement Training-1: What you can’t see from afar]

‘As the title says. What you can’t see from afar. A monster that reveals its weakness only when one gets close and destroys its body……

It was unlike the case of Hijuit-Ka that one could clear through sniping.

If it was, Leeha would have just wasted his ammunition and gunpowder to shoot its head, arms, and legs.

The Brass Golem should also have restoration ability like the Stone Golem, so it would be meaningless to waste bullets.

‘If I am unlucky, then I would get killed.’

Then, he would fail.

Quest failure conditions were death, exceeding the time limit, and party play. It meant that he had to do everything by himself…….

“Hmm. I also need to get information from other people.”

Getting into a party would result in failure, but just watching would not.

Leeha tightened the musket’s shoulder strap.

He needed to obtain information about the Brass Golem as well as how to hunt the Stone Golem.

The first party he saw while climbing up the Rock Mountain.

Leeha observed the party consisting of four warriors and one healer

as they were hunting.

‘Their pattern was clearly similar. First, crush both arms. It was a stupid monster that would not be able to fight back once its arms were cut off.’

Of course, if the warriors got hit, it would inflict considerable damage, but anyway, they were warriors.

They would be able to withstand an attack of that level.

‘And then the chest.’

It was the same. They always reorganize before hitting the chest.

The timing to use a buff to increase their attack power or strengthen their weapons was around that time.

“Ora, ora, ora!”


“It will come out soon! Just one hit! Just one shot!”

Kwang, Kwang, Kwang!

It was like demolishing an old building, and the Stone Golem’s core gradually showed, and the party members could be heard shouting


Leeha could see in the gap that appeared when the Stone Golem attacked.

A single bluish stone that clearly shone from the Stone Golem.

“Found it, now destroy it!!!”


As soon as the energy core appeared, the blown stones rolled.

The arms, chest, and stomach made of stones began to cling to each other as if to refill the destroyed parts.

“Shut up! I got it!”

With a weird shout, boom-! The mace struck the energy core.

It only took one attack. It was not about the strength of the attack, it was about the speed in which the attack could reach before the golem had a chance to restore itself.

“Okay, well done.”

And after that one attack, all the warriors stopped attacking.

Boulders fell to the ground with a thump and scattered randomly.

“Whoah…… it really was in one hit.”

Was he too weak? Is its weakness the energy core that would turn off after one touch?

Leeha approached the party.

“Excuse me, with one attack. Is the energy core the golems weakness?”

“So- hmm? Yes?”

The warrior quickly scanned Leeha

He was surprised for a moment when he found out that Leeha was a ranged damage dealer, but soon put on a relieved expression.

They were a party of 5.

They can’t accept any additional members anymore.

“Haha, is this your first time coming to the golem zone?”


“The testicle is the golem’s weakness. Well, I don’t know what you can do with that weapon. If you touch its testicle, the golem will die.”


Where do I touch it?

“Testicles. What was the exact name? Oi, Aiden!”

“Condensed Mana Core.”

“Condensed- Anyway, it has a difficult name, people who catch golems call it testicle. It is the same principle when you hit a man’s testicle, once it gets hit, he would die. Hahaha. Just pop the testicles with a mace and death would be inevitable.”

Leeha could not hide how absurd it was when he saw the warrior with a mustache and dongle beard connected to his chin laughed.

‘T-That’s definitely true. If one was hit in the testicles with a mace, one would not survive.’

In that sense, it was strange that not only humans but also golems were the same. Anyways, if users are already calling it like that,

Leeha did not intend to disagree.

“Will the Stone Golems start its restoration process once its testicle is exposed?”

“Yes. Yes. So all you need to do is to hit it as quickly as possible. By the way, did you join a beginner’s party? You don’t know anything about the golems.”

“As you can see I am a ranged damage dealer……. I am not in a party.”

“Aigoo. Don’t die for nothing and go back. It’s a place where even warriors won’t be able to survive getting hit four to five times. Ranged damage dealers

will die in one to two hits.”

“Yes, yes. Thank you. Perhaps, o you know anything about the Brass Golem?”

“Brass Golem? The field boss roaming around the mines?”


Why would you ask that? However, the warrior did not ask those words.

It was definitely worrying if someone who did not have any idea how to hunt a Stone Golem asked about the field boss.

“I know about it. Once it spawns

the people in this area will immediately go to it. It is either we all die together, or we all live together.”

“How would you know when it’s up?”

“Hmm, the golem-.”

“The Stone Golem is almost here! Concentrate, focus!”

“-anyway, you will find out soon. We have to hunt now.”

At the shout of his party members, the warrior pulled out his weapon.

“Ah, yes. Thank you!”

“You might die if you go and look for the Brass Golem for nothing! Just leave!”


Leeha nodded and moved his feet.

However, he was not moving out of the Rock Mountain as the warrior recommended, but rather he was facing the mountain.

“Tsk, he’s crazy and wants to die.”

It was natural for the warrior facing the Stone Golem to think

like this.

“Testicle…… If you touched its testicle……” 

Leeha climbed the mountain with the feeling of his lower back getting chills somehow.

If there were people near the person murmuring testicles, they would unconditionally call that person mentally ill, but fortunately, as Leeha climbed the Rock Mountain, the number of users was rapidly decreasing.


Climbing the rocky areas without trees

was difficult.

Above all, the problem was it was so flat, one could not measure the distance properly.

“The problem is serious, but……

Leeha was constantly thinking while walking.

“Dealers with fast attach speed avoids it because it is difficult to break the stones, and dealers with strong one-shots avoid it because it was difficult to hunt because as soon as the testicle was exposed, the golem will try to restore itself.”

So it was not a very popular area.

This was probably the reason why there were fewer users here compared to other hunting grounds, despite being a place where a field boss appears.

‘There are some at the foot of the mountain but. Hmm, what should I

do anyway?’

Leeha paused for a moment to examine his musket.

It certainly had the destructive power to destroy stones. However, with its attack speed, it would be too late to destroy the testicles.

‘It’s recovery speed is still faster than my reload speed even with Delicate Hand Movement. Unless

I could shoot two times in a row…

It would be possible if it was Browless.

It would be possible to break the testicles with that rapid-fire musket that could fire bullets in less than 5 seconds.

‘Or something more powerful. It would be possible if there was a powerful bullet that could penetrate the stone and reach the testicles at the same time.’

Leeha thought for a moment if he should use five to six bags of gunpowder for one bullet, but shook his head.

Increasing the amount of gunpowder would make the shots stronger, but the musket would not be able to withstand it.

“In the end, it should either be rapid-fire or penetration…… oh?”


A thought suddenly flashed through Leeha’s mind.

Thoughts that came continuously. Rapid-fire, penetrate, hit.

‘Rapid fire Browless. Penetrate Brown. And Bullseye……


What quest is he currently doing? What was the name of the quest?

Hit and Elizabeth!

‘Wait. This…… that’s why……’

Like a silhouette in a fog, an idea crept up in Leeha’s mind and disappeared.

‘Hit…… yes, I just have to hit the mark. I just have to touch it.’

What was the condition? ‘Closer’. Because you can’t see it from afar.

Leeha’s thoughts and feet did not stop.

Step, step, his idea was getting completed as he climbed the Rock Mountain.

‘However, is it really possible? No, I don’t know about other game, but this is Middle Earth…. so it should be possible, right?’

Didn’t he deceive the wolf with false shot.

Wasn’t the game famous for implementing real-world ideas?

“Good……. Let’s do it.”

If one came up with an idea, one needed to implement it immediately before the idea disappears.

As soon as the mine began to appear from the distance, Leeha turned around and returned to the village.

Keururuk, keururuk—…….


He realized that something was changing around him. The wandering Stone Golems were running in one direction.

The few players around were feeling excited.


“What is that?”

At that time,

something flying into the sky caught Leeha’s eyes. The light was dazzling and the shape could not be seen properly.


However, he knew for sure that it was coming towards him.


He quickly fled to avoid the unidentified flying object!

Kudang, the object that dropped near Leeha rolled thrice.

“Haa, haa, what was that!”

He wanted to thank Middle Earth for its kindness.

Leeha couldn’t believe that they would give him something so threatening! It was also a dead person! A corpse that hasn’t turned gray yet!

“What? How-.”

“Ah——!!! The Brass Golem spawned!”

It was then that a loud shout was heard from the mine.

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