Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 286

[Episode 93: The Gisaeng’s Spirit (3)]

“Let’s see what happens if you lower your hand.”

King Jin’s stiffened hand trembled slightly.

You won't be able to send a signal to lower your hand and shoot an arrow.

If I put just a little bit of pressure on him here, his neck will break.

I think I've become really bold too.

In the past, he would never have even thought of grabbing the prince by the neck and making such a threat.

But since they won't know my identity anyway, this is the way to go.


It was right then.

Something sharp rushed towards my arm, which was very cleverly holding Jinwang's neck.

It was the sword of the general right next to me.

This person was much stronger than his classmate concubine on the left.

It is an accurate judgment.

You can save King Jin by aiming for a surprise attack without warning.



I held the general's sword with my index and middle fingers as if picking up chopsticks.

The general's eyes widened in surprise.

“.......What the hell are you.....”

Prejudice is so funny.

Everyone is even more embarrassed when they show their status in the form of gisaeng.

I smiled and said to the general.

“I think the general is worried about your highness’s safety.”

“This girl!”

As if the general's pride was hurt by my words, he frowned and increased his power.

However, as if that wasn't enough, his expression became darker as time went on.

In the first place, it was absurd to compete with me based on air power.


The general was thrown back and was pushed back nearly ten paces.

I put the sword I stole from that general on the floor like a trophy.


Even his weapon, the sword, was taken away, and he bit his lip and couldn't say anything, as if he was humiliated.

Either way, I said, giving strength to King Jin’s neck.

“majesty. “Please send the soldiers to a maximum of 1 ri away.”

In response to my words, my classmate and concubine on the left urged me.

“Irreverent! “Your actions now are a treason and treason!”

“What do you mean?”

“Threatening His Majesty the Emperor’s eldest son, King Jin, is an insult to the imperial family and, by extension, the Great Yan Empire.”

“Isn’t trying to kill Your Majesty the Emperor’s other child, King Gyeong, also an insult to Your Majesty and the Great Yan Empire?”


“Everyone here now tried to threaten His Majesty the King, so every single one of them should be put to death for insulting the imperial family.”

My classmate's concubine was speechless at my words.

In the first place, insulting the imperial family in a fight between princes is nothing but a contradiction.

My concubine brother, who could not answer for a moment, tried to refute something.

However, this had to be stopped with a single gesture from King Jin.

“I thought he was only good at martial arts, but it turns out he’s also quite talented at speaking.”

“I apologize.”

“For the first time, I envy my younger brother.”

‘i envy you?'

Unlike the first time, I no longer trembled and soon found peace of mind.

Like King Gyeong, the princes certainly seem to be bolder than ordinary people.

King Jin looked at someone and ordered.

“General Moon. “Bite the soldiers.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Let it bite. “Are you hoping that Jim will break his neck and die right here?”

General Moon could not suppress his anger at King Jin’s words.

“If that happens, God will risk his life to kill this woman.”

“I know your loyalty, so bite the soldiers.”

“...I understand.”

When General Moon gestured, the generals nearby waved their flags.

Then, the archers who were aiming at King Gyeong with their demonstration raised their teeth and retreated.

The other soldiers did the same.

When they retreated beyond 1 ri and were out of sight, the gisaeng and the government troops under King Gyeong were seen breathing a sigh of relief.

King Jin told me.

“Now, you did what you wanted. “Now, can you take your hand off my neck?”

He is threatening his life, but his voice is quite soft.

I think it's to show that even in these situations, one's vessel is different.

-In a way, it’s amazing.

These bloodlines seem quite significant.

I want to reveal my identity like I did to King Gyeong.

But if that happens, it won't be possible to do it as originally planned.

“That still seems difficult.”

“Are you worried that they might target your master?”

To King Jin’s question, I smiled and answered casually.

“I didn’t ask you to step down because I was worried about His Majesty the King.”


King Jin was puzzled by my answer.

Accordingly, I opened the middle and bottom battles at the same time to achieve harmony.

When I revealed my teeth without conserving my energy, a strong wind pressure came out of me due to the explosion of air power.




The generals who were guarding King Jin's surroundings were pushed back by the wind pressure.

Those with weak internal strength will find it difficult to withstand the energy released on purpose like this.

Fortunately, my classmate's concubine and the general who had lost the Tao to me were able to hold on without being pushed out thanks to their deep inner strength, but their eyes on me changed.

“How can this be...”

“How can this be...”

It’s as if I’m seeing a monster.

They also have a sense of energy, so you will be able to clearly tell.

If you have this much energy, you have overcome the wall.

If they had reached the realm of superhumans, you would know that they had surpassed even that, but you wouldn't know that yet at their level.

The reason I brought out my energy this much was to make an outright threat.

“What...what the hell is this....”

It would be difficult for an ordinary Jin King to withstand this.

I smiled and said to King Jin.

“I asked you to step down because I was concerned that you might lose control of your power and kill everyone here, including your highness.”

“What is that…”

It was before King Jin finished his question.


The sword that was stuck on the floor came out of its own accord and was caught in my hand.

The military commanders could not help but be surprised by the surprise attack.

Anyway, I caught the sword and swung it towards the barracks in the back where no one was there.

A sharp sense of anticipation curved the sword blade, and the explosive power generated by the combination of the lower and middle blades created an intense attack.

-Wow! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

A loud roar erupted.

It was as if a storm had swept over it.

As the rising dust cleared, the generals around me, including my classmate, opened their mouths slightly in shock.

“How can everyone be like that…”

King Jin seems to be curious about their reactions.

In response, I relaxed my grip on his neck and kindly allowed Jinwang to turn his head.

King Jin slowly turned his head back, and his expression hardened as if it were made of ice.


In total, dozens of fan-shaped areas of destruction were destroyed.

In addition to the central barracks, about 200 barracks behind them were blown away without a trace.


Even King Gyeong, who was watching from a distance, felt the same.

I knew I was strong, but I don't think I ever dreamed it would be to this level.

They were as mesmerized as the gisaengs and the officers under their command.

I said with a smile, lightly pressing Jinwang's shoulder as he couldn't take his eyes off the destroyed traces.

“Please don’t create a situation where I can’t control my strength. majesty.”

King Jin swallowed his saliva at those words.

And I nodded without realizing it.

After properly exercising my skills, I don't think I'm empty or anything like that anymore.

I think my part is over here.

When I looked up, King Gyeong, who had been in a daze, seemed to have come to his senses, nodded his head, and came closer to where King Jin and I were.

“Brother, Your Highness.”

King Jin looked at King Gyeong like he was tired of it.

“......Jim, you’ve been looking at your brother wrong all this time. “You’re hiding someone like this.”

“She is my favorite woman.”

“...So what are we going to do? ‘What do you want to do with your luggage here?'

“Whatever I do depends on my brother’s answer.”


Jinwang muttered as if he was empty and glanced at me.

Even you may find this situation absurd.

This situation was caused by just one gisaeng.

“If I want to save my life, I must endure this humiliation.”

“Don’t think of it as a humiliation. “Because it could be a good opportunity for you too.”


King Gyeong spoke to King Jin, who was puzzled, in a rather serious voice.

“Before I could get Yeonsaeng’s help, he threatened my life.”

“......What did you say?”

“He said that if I had been obedient and obedient like my brother, I would have been chosen by him and become emperor.”


At those words, King Jin could not hold back his anger for a moment.

At this time, I was looking at the generals and officials next to King Jin.

Everyone was looking at the conversation between King Jin and King Gyeong, but as soon as the person named him spoke, there were two people who looked at the bound government soldiers.

One was the general whose Tao had been taken from me, and the other was my classmate's concubine.

‘......Is it one of the two?'

Among them, there is a person of the golden statue.

King Gyeong glanced at me, so he nodded and signaled for me to continue.

King Gyeong continued speaking.

“I don’t know who he is, but he dares to commit disrespectful words and actions as if he were the emperor of the Great Yan Empire. Are you going to just ignore this?”

King Jin’s eyes trembled at those words.

This is probably because they thought King Gyeong’s words could be a sign of conflict.

But there is a definitive way.

When I made a gesture, the government soldiers brought the person they had captured closer to them.

The man, who couldn't speak because of a gag in his mouth, trembled and lowered his gaze.

It was to avoid looking at people related to oneself.

King Gyeong spoke as if he was giving me an order.

“You should ask him a question. Yeonsaeng.”

“yes. majesty.”

With those words, I walked up to him and said.

“Do not be afraid. As promised, if you reveal the truth here, your life will be spared.”

Hearing my words, he bowed his head and stayed still.

But you will have no choice but to answer.

“Please let me go so I can open my mouth.”

At my command, the government officials removed the gag from his mouth.

At this time, I lightly snapped my fingers.

Then his pupils went blank and he shouted loudly as if everyone could hear.

“He gave His Majesty King Jin an order to kill His Majesty King Gyeong. So His Majesty King Jin faithfully followed his orders.”

“How dare you!”

At those words, King Jin could not suppress his anger.

There was no way he wouldn't be angry as he was shouting as if he were a lackey.

Now the most important thing remains.

“Who is that person that can give orders to His Majesty the King of Jin?”

The guy who was caught by Jeongyo Hwanui-gyeong to my question tried to answer exactly as I thought.

“He has one eye...”

That was right then.


A dagger flew into the guy's chest.

But there was no way it could hit my chest when I was right in front of it.

I caught the dagger at once and looked in the direction it had come from.

There, I saw the general whose Tao had been taken away from me, taking a throwing stance.

The guy who made eye contact with me tried to grit his teeth because he was embarrassed, but


I immediately opened a light attack and narrowed down my view to the guy.

And his blood power was captured like lightning.


The demon blood was taken over to prevent him from committing suicide.

I opened the mouth of the creature, which was unable to move due to blood clots, and pulled out something black, visible near the molars, into the air.

It was none other than dogmatism.


I waved this dogma to King Jin, who looked dumbfounded and said,

“There is a saying about staying away from wrong people. majesty.”

* * *

Half a day later,

as I was about to leave the station at noon, King Gyeong said something regretful.

“If you were to help the king you saw, it would be no different from gaining a thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses.”

I responded to King Gyeong by taking the sword.

“Even if it’s not me, Your Majesty will do well.”

Even without me, he was a king who acted like a fool and built up his own power.

Because of this incident, King Jin's weaknesses will be taken care of and he will calm down for a while, so dealing with King Yong, another emperor candidate, will be much easier.

“Or how about you just stay until he opens his mouth?”

“I’m sorry, but I won’t open my mouth so easily.”

If I were someone who could easily reveal information, I would have made them open their mouths without having to think of any means or methods.

Geum Sang-je was not a very shabby person.

Moreover, the two captured guys were people who would play a role in making the Yan Empire's imperial family wary of the existence of Jin Sangje.

King Gyeong shook his head and then spoke to you.

“If that is truly what you mean, there is nothing we can do. “I would like to give you a gift in recognition of your contribution.”

“You said it was a gift?”

“If you were really a woman, I would want to make you an empress, but since that is not the case, I will make Yeonsaeng a bodyguard for the king.”

I answered that with a frown.

“I’m not really Yeonsaeng.”

“Thanks to you, my life was spared, but if I pass on without giving you anything in return, what will be my reputation?”

“Even so.....”

“I will give you that position, Yeonsaeng, but aren’t you the one with outstanding military status?”

This is a truly unique argument.

Of course, that's true.

King Gyeong took out a jade tablet from his bosom.

The jade tablet was engraved with the words Geumuiwi (錦衣衛), and underneath it was written “Wimusa (衛撫使), 4th grade servant.”


I thought it was just a bodyguard, but I was surprised by what was written and looked at King Gyeong.

King Gyeong said with a grin.

“The princes have the authority to select the royal guard who oversees their guard. Therefore, I grant you the position of a 4th rank guard.”

If you were a 4th rank military officer, your position was next to the North and South Jin military officers.

It is a high-ranking official in the Emperor's royal guard and the Supreme Council that oversees prison affairs.

Even the landowner who ruled the state was of the 5th rank, so it was like a quick succession.

Looking at the jade tablet presented by King Gyeong, I stuck out my tongue.

“...You are truly weak.”

King Gyeong chuckled at my words and said,

“Have you been caught?”

It was no different from Sam Jo’s mentor.

After giving me a government position like this, it was no different from saying that he would ask me for help whenever he needed it.

King Gyeong told me.

“Do not refuse.”

“I am a martial artist. “I cannot receive official positions.”

“If you had this, it would be useful wherever you go and could even temporarily mobilize government troops?”


“I don’t know your true appearance or identity anyway, so even if I give this to you, there is no way to know. So, please accept this as a token of gratitude from the king.”

I sighed at King Gyeong’s words.

-Why are you pretending to be honest again? Just take it.

Sodamgeom chattered.

What would you do if you refused to give it to me?

In any case, it was Yeonsaeng who received the official position, not So Woon-hwi or Jin Woon-hwi.

I knelt down and politely accepted the jade tablet.

“I carefully obey Your Majesty’s orders.”

“Hahahaha. King Bon has obtained the best counselor.”

It was King Gyeong, whom I openly liked.

After packing the jade tablets, I asked out of curiosity before leaving.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“What did you say?”

“Aren’t you curious about my real identity?”

In response to my question, King Gyeong smiled and said,

“Yeonsaeng-i is enough to carry the burden.”

......It means that they are not at all curious about my identity as a man.

I clicked my tongue and said hello to King Gyeong and flew the bird to the southwest.

* * *

Inside the garrison surrounding the tomb of King Pyeong.

Yeonsaeng, a gisaeng, woke up from her sleep and couldn't understand what was happening.

When he woke up, he realized that he had become King Gyeong's counselor, and the government forces cheered and supported him as a super expert in martial arts protecting him.

“......What on earth is going on?”

I can't tell if it's a dream or real life.

? Hanzhongwolya

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